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Welcome to the Heart Awakening Jump Start Program

And Core Clearing Breathwork Training.

I am really excited to share this beautiful and powerful healing process with you and to welcome you into our Breathwork community.

Heart Awakening Program and Special Bonuses below 👇

The Core Clearing Breathwork Coach Certificate Training

Hi, My name is Nicholas de Castella. My wife, Susan, and I have over 20 years experience as Breathwork Trainers.

We have built an amazing life through Breathwork raised a family of 4 Live on our own 7 acre forest retreat, conduct transformational workshops and have built a heart centred Breathwork community that stretches around the world.

We are keen to support you to create a rich and fulfilling life in service to others.

The Breathwork Training is in 3 Modules...

Module 1. Heart Awakening

In this training you will learn how to center yourself in your heart so you can self-regulate (manage your emotions) and co-regulate (hold space for others as you guide them through the Core Clearing Breathwork Process.

Module 2. The 10-week: You Can Change Your Life Program

10-week program starts on 14th February 2024

For your own personal development. In this program you will take your life to a higher level and gain valuable personal experience, from the inside, of the Core Clearing Breathwork Program.

Module 3. Core Clearing Breathwork Skills Training - Live Online

The Online Certificate Training program consists of includes:

2 Day In person or Online Training 

4 Evening Webinar Training Sessions 



Jump start your Core Clearing Breathwork Training with these 3 great foundation elements...

1. Download

Keys to Emotional Mastery E-Book

2. Listen to the

Head to Heart Audio

3. Daily practice the Heart Centering Breathwork Meditation

5- minute




As part of this special Jump Start offer you also gain access to...

1.Breathwork Meditation Teacher Training

2. Core Clearing Breathwork Meditation Recording

3. Free Attendance to: 2024 by Design Workshop (Online)

4. Access to our 15 Session Heart Centred Coaching Series

1. Breathwork Meditation Teacher Training

2. Core Clearing Breathwork Meditation Recording

Enjoy a taste of our Core Clearing Breathwork Meditation

To quickly and gently identify dissolve a block that's been causing you stress, anxiety, frustration or pain!

Access 23-minute Breathwork Meditation

3. Free Access @ 2024 BY DESIGN Workshop (Self-paced)


Discover a radically different heart centered way of healing and empowerment.

This series of trainings is to help coaches, healers and health professionals work more deeply and holistically with clients.

Help your clients discover their inner wisdom and guidance on how to become happy, alive and free!  

Here’s some of the rave comments we received…

" I missed the initial zoom meeting but thank you so much for making a replay available and I watched it intently the whole way through.

I absolutely loved learning from you and your style is genuine. Authentic and your whole heart is in the game.

Definitely ticking all the boxes for me, and I’m so looking forward to continuing on with this heart journey with u.

God bless you and your work. " - Ben

"Thank you! For showing me how just allowing being in the feeling leads to fundamental profound healing opening up you new possibilities and ways of being." - Fiorina

"As a newbie to the space of breathwork healing and coaching, I am enjoying this series with Nicholas as I receive continual insights into topics and issues that come up when working with clients." - Bonita

"Great value Nicholas...pain affects so many of us and what a massive message you have for all of us " - Geoffrey

" Thanks, Nicolas for a wonderful session. I learned so much and it's all doable for me personally and for my clients.

Connecting with the heart space and genuinely committing to it is what makes a difference.

Thank you again for your warmth and generosity " - Linda

" As always Nicholas's teaching is fabulous, heart centered and gentle. Life changing stuff, thank you Nicholas." - Amanda

" Nicholas has a wealth of experience, and his passion for the work he does is contagious. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences so generously" - Ardeena

" How to help and coach clients with their sleep issues.....so have a lead in to get clients as a coach

and the importance of nasal breathing " - Terri

" Thank you for your generosity again, Nicholas. the 4 steps of healing and that sleep is a symptom of deeper issue. I loved the information on why sleep is important and decriminalizing insomnia! " -Linda Miller

"Understanding that grief is a reverse outpouring of joy helps to understand the mechanics of the process.

Thanks, Nicholas" - Anne C.

"This coaching series for Healers & Coaches is helping me to build onto the Breathwork Facilitator training I completed with Nicholas, it's been greatly beneficial for enriching my life and my clients" - Rachel

"I love how your core principles underpin all you do. Over the weeks I have seen how they are the thread that holds all the content together as you work with clients." - Yvonne

"Thanks for another amazing session, I really feel I can put this together as a great package with everything I have learnt so far. Amazing support and resources 🙏 " - Marissa

Listen to Nicholas de Castella, Master Breathwork Coach and Trainer as he guides you on a heart centred way of coaching people to PERFORM AT THEIR PEAK to achieve success with ease, find happiness and fulfilment.

"I loved the surfing analogy. Running on the flow of heart energy instead of struggle and constant mental override.

I also enjoyed 'reality is a projection of the dominate state of our heart'" - Aaron

Medical Doctors Recommend

Core Clearing Breathwork!


Dr. Margaret Ngu G.P.

As medical doctors you would want to benefit from their transforming work for yourself and of course your patients. I have found Nicholas and Susan to be heartfelt beings who practice what they preach and in doing so have that special quality of authentic and infectious teaching by example. Both are well experienced healing processes, which as a holistic practitioner for more than 25yrs.

I know it as essential for my patients to access in order to regain wellness. Whether facilitated in individual sessions or in groups, patients will get help for the emotional and mental dimensions of their symptoms, which most GPs have no time to delve into, whether it is depression, chronic fatigue, asthma, degenerative illness of all kinds. Your patients will be thankful for Nicholas and Susan's help.


Dr Andrew Horwood G.P

I have known and worked with Nicholas and Susan de Castella for over 10 years. Over 200 of my patients during this time have reported more energy; lessening of physical pain; increased understanding of their life situation; a range of skills that can be used in all sorts of situations to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression; improved mood; improved coping skills with life stressors; more passion in their lives, and hence, improved relationships; finding a network of genuine friends from whom they feel support.

Some of my patients attending Seminars have been particularly ill, either physically or mentally, and these patients, too, have been able to make great gains during a short time. I conclude by thoroughly recommending the range of Seminars facilitated by Nicholas & Susan de Castella. These are high quality events with the potential for changing people’s lives forever.


Dr. Robert Hanner G.P.

I cannot recommend too highly the brilliant work that Nicholas and Susan de Castella do with people who are troubled with life's inevitable challenges and stresses. I had the fortunate experience of doing my first course, Passionately Alive 5 years ago and the benefits I attained have remained to this day. I am more present and, in the moment, and in touch with my emotions since that unforgettable weekend.

This has helped enormously in my personal relationships and in my professional life. Nicholas has created a safe, secure, environment where people are free to express themselves openly. He treats everyone as equals and so even though he is a teacher and facilitator he is neither didactic nor beyond approach.


Dr. Peter Johnston G.P.

I have attended Passionately Alive, Manhood and Relationship. I have found them helpful and inspiring. I recommend my patients to attend. In fact, I believe emotional, and heart centered work is essential for personal growth and healing. I recommend these workshops to anyone with chronic disease, relationship problems, emotional crisis and those wanting to avoid these.

Holistic Medical Practitioner, MBBS (Monash), AMAC (Australian Medical Acupuncture College), FACNEM (Fellow of Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine), MSE(Psychology), Founder of Australian College of Transformational Medicine. Past President of AIMA, Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (1998-2001)

What Our Graduates Have To Say…


Gordana Marriott

Beauty Therapist, Core Clearing Breathwork Coach

As a Beauty Therapist for many years, I experienced having clients mainly looking to come for a relaxing time.

Most of these clients I found were suffering some form of stress, anxiety or even depression.

I began to think that I needed to have a further service to help my clientele with their well-being. I’ve always been interested in healing & therefore looked into breathwork.

I thank the universe for sending me to Nicholas & Susan de Castella.

Being introduced & signing up to do the Core Clearing breath work

course was the best decision I made for myself personally & for my clientele.

I can’t wait to implement my learning on my clients and look forward to where this will take me in my business.


Teresa Wilby

Coach, Entrepreneur, Thrive Breathwork Practitioner

I'm 62 years young and feel like life is only just beginning! After seeing the great results people were getting, I decided to move forward to the certificate training as I saw that I could help people get breakthroughs and pay my bills.

I thought how cool is that? Since then I find myself in a position to help people move forward in their lives particularly. What is even more amazing is that the training not only has changed my life thru the shared practice sessions but with the lives of hundreds of my clients.

I love that this is a 'business in a box' that Nicholas has put together I am starting to get up and running. Being on a pension is hard financially but now I can help people and also help myself doing something I love seeing great results in those I have had the privilege to take thru the core clearing process and seeing their growth and freedom is awesome!

Don't hold back! The certificate training is great. I learnt so much and now I have the tools to help others move forward, find their blockages, and find their own healing! I can't thank Nicholas enough!


Marlon Walker

Body Work and Personal Trainer

I am feeling very excited to learn and evolve my Personal Training/Massage Therapy business and self to a higher level, where I can help more people with an even more diverse range of problems. My toolbox has expanded and I love it, as I can tackle issues a few different ways! Diversity, Learning, Knowledge, Wisdom!

I have loved being involved in all the training as I love learning

about breathing, meditation, energy, helping people and moving forward in life. So if this is you or you resonate with any of this then you are going to love this course!

I feel very blessed to have Nicholas & Susan de Castella as my teachers, coaches, and trainers! I hit the JACKPOT! Very grateful!! A must-do course! Happy to speak further if you have questions - 0413 179 737



From Zookeeper to International Award-Winning Conservationist Consultant

I was at the point in my life where I wanted to share my knowledge with the world. I had learned so much from Nicholas and Susan with my own personal Growth through the training and it was time for me to step up and share this with others.

The Thrive Breathwork Coaching Course was the perfect structure I needed to get me there and not just dream about it. The best part of the training was I healed myself along the way. This training provided me with the safe space to really ‘show up’, the community to support the teachings and myself along the way.

I was no longer doing it alone and I really needed that. The most beneficial aspect of this training was the opportunity to release the emotional blocks that were holding me back with stepping up and out into the world. I was terrified at the thought of this at the first workshop training but by the final workshop I had more confidence in myself to step up. I know I would not have been able to do this on my own.



Domestic Violent Victim to Business Owner/Empowered Woman

I did the Thrive Breathwork Coach Training for my own personal development, and it had the most amazing impact on my life. I learned all about that empty ache and all of the other feelings that had mystified me my whole life.

I learned how to identify emotions, how to be with them, even the uncomfortable ones and to express them in healthy ways. To me this had been the missing piece of my puzzle, particularly my body image puzzle. I could now love myself and allow true love to come back.

During my Coach training I found the love of my life and married him. Now we have two gorgeous girls to add to Bruce’s 4 lovely children.

For the first time in a really long time, I truly believe in myself and what I have to offer. I’m able to witness the self-depreciating thoughts and recognize them for what they are; a story I made up a long time ago I can now move past them to achieve my goals. I feel highly motivated and excited to the point where some mornings, I wake up at 4am full of ideas and I get up and start work then! I am more willing to take risks, do my best and be OK with things being good enough. I feel more open and trusting, in my work and in my life.

Thank you, Nicholas and Susan! When I met you, I was looking for so much. Your work helped me to find myself…my loving husband, our children and the fantastic life I now feel so blessed by and grateful for. Thank you!


Trent Fennell

Personal Trainer and Core Clearing Coach

Being a Breathwork practitioner, I wanted to expand my practice and offer another avenue towards an emotional breakthrough. Having touched upon Core Clearing during my Breathwork training, I wanted to fully develop my skill in the process.

The Core Clearing Breathwork Certificate Training was so thorough for me. I easily understood all the material as Nicholas presents it so logically and seamlessly. The course Core Clearing Breathwork Coach Certificate was done over ZOOM.

I had my reservations that it would translate as effectively as it does in person, but Nicholas and all the participants were integral to the process and created a beautifully connected group which deepened the understanding.



Domestic Violent Victim to Business Owner/Empowered Woman

I felt totally destroyed, and fearful as I was wrapped in the chains of havoc even years after the divorce. I then found Passionately Alive it was the first key to setting myself free from the chains holding me in my past and it sparked my own empowerment journey. I began to reclaim areas of myself that I thought were gone forever as I stepped deeper into the training and became a Thrive Breathwork Coach.

I was becoming alive once more and being the positive role model for my children by living and feeling my truth. I now have a clear light shining and directing me in my life (my heart) where once I only saw emptiness and blackness.

Today I am living my heart’s calling; I am saving for the 1st time in 10 years as a single parent, I have my own business; Heart’s Voice and I am a Thrive Breathwork Coach, Women’s Meditation Group Facilitator, Office Assistant and Workshop Assistant with Thrive Breathwork Coach Academy.


My work has grown out of my inner search for a richer, fuller and more satisfying life. I have spent much of the last twelve years working with the healing power of the breath, traveling the globe, presenting his work and researching the latest emotional clearing and empowerment techniques.

I am the Founder of the Australian Breathwork College, a Quantum Breathwork Trainer, a Quantum Process Practitioner and trained in John Bradshaw’s ‘Non-shaming’ Therapy.

I have been working in personal development for fourteen years. During this time, I have facilitated private sessions, weekly group meetings and Emotional Mastery Programs around Australia, in New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa and England.

I believe in the innate goodness and innocence of humanity. That we are all doing the best we can to find and express love with the skills and experience available.

Through my I see that many people today are living in pain caused by the suppression of their emotions. I encourage individuals to connect with, accept and express their true feelings. This brings immediate healing and a deepened connection with the truth of who we are.

I currently teach Practical Emotional Intelligence Skills, Meditation, Breathwork, Practitioner Trainings, Heart Mastery Seminars and Relationship Skills.

My major goal is to teach about open hearted living and to facilitate the realization of the beauty and power that is available to each of us when we open our hearts.

Nicholas de Castella

Susan de Castella

I am a coach/facilitator/trainer with the Australian Breathwork Academy and Institute of Heart Intelligence.

I have over 20-years of experience facilitating Breathwork sessions for people who are grieving, stuck, blocked, depressed or suffering with anxiety. I help them be happier, more successful in their lives, improve their health, deepen their relationships, and live life fully.

I help people find clarity in their lives, clear the blockages, connect with their heart, their passion, life’s purpose, and commitment, so they can live the life they were born to live!

I work with the feelings underlying the issues that cause problems and challenges in people’s lives. I believe and have experienced personally that ‘Healing is in the feeling.’

This is about getting out of your head and into your heart. Letting your heart lead the way, so your life becomes congruent with your life’s passion and purpose.

I have a successful private Thrive Well-Being Coach practice. I facilitate Womanhood seminars and, together with my husband Nicholas, conduct Passionately Alive seminars and Thrive Well-Being Coach Trainings.

People tell me I have an innate ability to share my compassion, understanding and care to support their needs.

“Thrive Breathwork has enabled me to facilitate people towards their most fulfilling and rich lives. I love the work. It is so satisfying to see people making positive shifts in their lives.”

Core Clearing Breathwork Training is an Accredited Professional Breathwork Training Where You Can Grow Personally, Transform Lives and Enjoy the Freedom Lifestyle?

Book a Complementary Clarity Session with Nicholas

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Available Starting times for Sat, Jul 27, 2024

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